Billy Graham Devotional 11 September 2024 | Only Jesus

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Billy Graham Devotional 11 September 2024 | Only Jesus

Topic: Only Jesus

God . . . is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship with his Son, even Christ our Lord. — 1 Corinthians 1:9 (TLB)

The question remains, “How can God be just—that is, true to Himself in nature and true to Himself in holiness—and yet justify the sinner?” Because each man had to bear his own sins, all mankind was excluded from helping, since each was contaminated with the same disease.

The only solution was for an innocent party to volunteer to die physically and spiritually as a substitution before God. This innocent party would have to take man’s judgment, penalty, and death. But where was such an individual? Certainly, there was none on earth. There was only one possibility. God’s own Son was the only personality in the universe who had the capacity to bear in His own body the sins of the world. Only God’s Son was infinite and thus able to die for all.

Prayer for the day: Lord Jesus, Lamb of God, in adoration I thank You for the love that made You willing to suffer and die on the cross for my sin.

Written by Billy Graham, Founder of Billy Graham Evangelistic Association(BGEA). BGEA exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ by every effective means and to equip the church and others to do the same.

Chiokike Notice Board: Your journey to true peace and eternal victory begins with accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Without being born again, the fullness of God’s presence and blessings remain just out of reach. If you're ready to embrace this life-changing decision, please say the prayer below:

Prayer of Salvation:
Lord Jesus, I come before You today, acknowledging my need for Your grace. I accept You as my Lord and Personal Savior, believing in my heart that You died for my sins and rose again to give me eternal life. Thank You, Lord, for saving me. In Jesus' name, Amen.

If you’ve prayed this prayer, we rejoice with you! Please share your testimony and prayer requests with us at We are here to support you as you grow in your faith. May God’s love and grace fill your heart abundantly!

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